Friday, December 5, 2014

The Power of a Positive Attitude

“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” ~ Oprah Winfrey. This itself indicates the big role of attitude in changing our own life. If negative, the attitude becomes the cause of problems and complexities in life. However, the positive attitude is the cause of success and happiness. A positive attitude manifests in different ways, including positive thinking, creative ideas, and motivation to do things. Such an attitude is driven by an optimist viewpoint looking at people and situations in a positive way. In most cases, the viewpoint is “Problematic people and situations are blessed opportunities to learn and train oneself to overcome the unwanted”. This viewpoint generates only positive thoughts, such as “I expect success despite of complexity and challenges”, “I know I can do it!”, and “Let me find solutions rather than dwelling on issues”. Perhaps, this is why Seth Godin has said, “Optimism is the most important human trait, because it allows us to evolve our ideas, improve our situation, and hope for a better tomorrow.” Well, this is what a strong positive attitude can do to anybody’s life, regardless of whether the problem lies in the professional, personal, or social sphere. The power of positive thinking helps drastically in coping more easily with the life problems, focusing on opportunities around us, and increasing courage to take the right actions at right time. Lord Buddha and Napoleon Hill have already explained how attitude (mindset) decides what ones will be achieving in life. Lord Buddha has said, “The mind is everything. What you think you become.” Similarly, Napoleon Hill has revealed, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Whatever you continue to think or visualize, you are more likely to achieve it near future. Therefore, it is worth keeping a positive attitude to gain positive achievements. After all, none of us one wants negative that is the root cause of unhappiness and despair. There is no joy greater than a constant positive outlook.

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