Friday, December 5, 2014

The Power of a Positive Attitude

“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” ~ Oprah Winfrey. This itself indicates the big role of attitude in changing our own life. If negative, the attitude becomes the cause of problems and complexities in life. However, the positive attitude is the cause of success and happiness. A positive attitude manifests in different ways, including positive thinking, creative ideas, and motivation to do things. Such an attitude is driven by an optimist viewpoint looking at people and situations in a positive way. In most cases, the viewpoint is “Problematic people and situations are blessed opportunities to learn and train oneself to overcome the unwanted”. This viewpoint generates only positive thoughts, such as “I expect success despite of complexity and challenges”, “I know I can do it!”, and “Let me find solutions rather than dwelling on issues”. Perhaps, this is why Seth Godin has said, “Optimism is the most important human trait, because it allows us to evolve our ideas, improve our situation, and hope for a better tomorrow.” Well, this is what a strong positive attitude can do to anybody’s life, regardless of whether the problem lies in the professional, personal, or social sphere. The power of positive thinking helps drastically in coping more easily with the life problems, focusing on opportunities around us, and increasing courage to take the right actions at right time. Lord Buddha and Napoleon Hill have already explained how attitude (mindset) decides what ones will be achieving in life. Lord Buddha has said, “The mind is everything. What you think you become.” Similarly, Napoleon Hill has revealed, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Whatever you continue to think or visualize, you are more likely to achieve it near future. Therefore, it is worth keeping a positive attitude to gain positive achievements. After all, none of us one wants negative that is the root cause of unhappiness and despair. There is no joy greater than a constant positive outlook.

How to Gain a Positive Attitude

Typically, our own way of looking at situations as well as people forms the viewpoint that controls thoughts, beliefs, and actions. For example, if you view a situation or a particular person as ‘useless’, this viewpoint then triggers the first belief of the entity being useless, thoughts of doubts that this person or situation might never make me achieve what I want, and finally actions such as ignoring the person or running away from the situation. Well, this is how we develop a negative attitude: A negative viewpoint leading to negative beliefs and thoughts. Has this ever happened with you? Well, it might have happened at least once because it takes no time in looking at the negative side of people and situations. Now, if you sit to find out what you gained from such negative development, you will conclude that the achievements are negative: Stress, hatred, irritation, unhappiness, dissatisfaction, and so on. Therefore, it is wise to convert this negative approach into a positive one. Believe me; it is easy to gain a positive attitude. Zig Ziglar have said, “You cannot tailor-make the situations in life but you can tailor-make the attitudes to fit those situations.” Here are some quick ways to do so! • Be in the company of optimistic people and see how they focus on positive thinking and ignore the negative views. • Do something uniquely positive each day; help others selflessly by sharing meals or by taking care of old and sick people. • Read some self-help books focusing on how to deal with criticisms and other negativities from others. • Remind yourself daily about positive things in your life and show yourself that they outshine the unwanted ones. Similarly, count the positive sides of people and situations and tell yourself that the former ones are more valuable than the latter. • Do not allow your past to influence your present or future; learn from past mistakes, apply them in present, and make your future trouble-free. • Learn to take real (not imaginary) risks by being prepared for them and believing in yourself. Say to yourself daily “I can do it!” after you wake up. • Overcome fears by facing them with courage. Ask strength to face it from your lord everyday in morning.

Eliminating a Poor Attitude by Transforming it into a Good One

Mahatma Gandhi has said that man often becomes what he believes for himself. If I continue to say that I cannot do a certain thing, possibility is that I may end up of becoming incapable of doing it. However, if I believe that I can do it; chances are high to acquire the capacity of doing it even if I lack the same in the beginning.” This quote from Gandhiji simply says how attitude can prove to be beneficial or detrimental in achieving the diverse goals of life. Further, it says that one is responsible for one’s own attitude. There is no one in this world who gave you your attitude, which means no one else can take it away. It is only you who can take it away. Therefore: Convert a Negative View or Thought Instantly into a Positive One “Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” ~ John Wooden Whenever your mind shows you negative, it is best to convert it into positive just as we converted negative sentences into positive in English Grammar in our school days. Here are some examples: • This man is lazy; he will not work.  He will work this time; I trust him. (Show this trust with humbleness to that man). Remember, what you think will reach to other person through vibrations. • This achievement is impossible unless I get enough time and labor  I will achieve it; I will also have the desired labor and required time. • I cannot do this work.  I can do it! So what if it is for the first time? • I cannot pass this exam  I can pass and this time, I will! Dear God! Grant me the strength for it. In short, reinforce affirmations every time negativity arises within! Better, consider writing them down and then writing positive against each one.

Two Self-based Secrets to Be the Best at Everything

We humans always crave for being the best in the world. However, it needs to be clear that whether you want to ‘be the best in the world’ or just ‘be the best’. There is much difference in both the desires/goals; the former one involves comparing yourself with the rest in the world and struggling to be ‘better’ than them in futile. On the contrary, the latter involves peeping inside your own self and analyzing whether I gave my best shot or could I give a better one. In reality, the latter one is our goal because no competition in this world is 100% fair. In each race of life, every competitor has its own limitations and restrictions, which result in different capabilities and characteristics. Had the limitations and restrictions being the same, one can expect to be the best of all. Because they vary from one competitor to another, no particular participant can prove to be the best in the group. That is why it is best to ‘be the best’ by giving the best shot instead of doing better than everyone else. This is practically within the reach of all of us. For that, you will need to make ‘excellence’ your habit, not an act. Habits are formed only through strong determination that is then supported by repeated, intentional action. A strong determination is the second secret to give your best shot at everything! The unbroken determination of ‘Yes, I will do my best no matter what comes ahead’ makes situations come in your favor although they may be adverse before. The source of determination, believing in oneself, marks the first secret, which is usually in the form of “Yes! I am capable of doing it”. Let us accept that we cannot be the best at everything we do, but we can give our best shot in all that we do! This makes life simpler and happier.

2 Commandments to See Positive in Every Negative Situation

According to Dr. Wayne Dyer, squeezing an orange gives orange juice because that is what is inside. Similarly, when you are being squeezed or pressurized, what comes out it what is within. He further says that if you do not like what is within, it is possible to change it with thoughts. We all tend to encounter negative situations in life but that does not mean that we should keep taking and thinking about them negatively. Criticisms, rejections, insults, and unfavorable work outcomes are all negative situations, the ones that no one likes. The good news is that we can overcome these negative situations by focusing on the positive part. Every coin has two parts; similarly, every situation has both positive and negative. If you focus on negative, you simply welcome weaknesses. On the other hand, focusing on positive unlocks opportunities and solutions. Here are the two commandments for focusing on positive in every negative situation. Negativity is Bad, Negative Person is Not! This is the first rule to keep in mind while dealing with negative people who are often believed to block success or set achievements. In reality, no person is bad; it is the negativity or wickedness in her or him that is bad and needs removal. Therefore, when you hear criticisms or insults about your own self or others, try to find how much truth exists in them. In case of lack of evidence, it is better to ignore them; otherwise, take them as warnings to improve! We All Have Weaknesses! The second rule is based on the fact that is no one is perfect in this world. Mistakes happen repeatedly and each time, it is our duty to overcome them so that they do not repeat again. No matter what the outcome may be, a wise person will always learn from the mistakes and move further such that they are avoided.